Monday, August 8, 2011

The Elevator Song Memory From Cats by Woody McBreairty

I recently entered an elevator with a lady and we were both going to the top floor. The song "Memory" from the Broadway show "Cats" was being piped in to the elevator. "Where has this song been?" the lady asked to noone in particular. "Why, it's been everywhere" I anwered without looking her in the eye. "Some show tunes drift off the stage and out stage doors, into the ether. They dance & prance and swirl about in the air, they make circles around you, sometimes stopping to brush your cheek, even look you in the eye. They dive into fountains and dance with the water, spewing high & low as the water does it's act around the fountain. And they climb trees too, they caress every leaf and make it glow with excitement and flutter to the rythm of their tune. They rush to the sky, softly brushing the clouds and scattering their melody in the wind. They float high & low through the air, harmonizing with time & space and ultimately embracing the entire universe. They become timeless & ageless, they are always with us, they become such a part of us that they might even accompany us into the next life, because they are immortal & will live forever."
The lady had remained silent all this time. "Top floor, time to get off" I reminded her, but she just stood there, staring at me all wide eyed. I winked at her as she disappeared behind the closing elevator door.